Logistix Au - When Experience Matters
2 October 2015 - By :

Recovering the MV Rena

Recovering the MV Rena The $2.4m government funded Rena Recovery Plan has now been completed. Through the Plan, iwi representatives worked alongside government agencies and research providers to deliver on a set of environmental and cultural restoration and research projects, over a 3.5 year period. Rena Recovery Group Co-Chair and Ngāti Ranginui representative Carlton Bidois said that the aim of the Rena Recovery Plan was to restore the mauri of the Bay of Plenty environment to its pre-Rena state. Recovering the MV Rena Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix AuRecovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au SJD5 Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au
Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au

Recovering the MV Rena Logistix Au

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